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Change the Way You’re Doing Things
I have spent the last decade of an unexpected business career helping Leaders, CEO’s, Managing partners, Senior Executives of all types come together with the sole mission of encouraging executives and teams to get better results. There is something special about this work in that small incremental changes means exponential results.
But here is the catch. You most likely have to change the way you are doing things. That’s where I come in.
You are invited to join me on this journey and yes, it requires investment for your personal development. I am not sure how it evolved but I have, for most of my career, been in front of the room (humbly I might add) to try and get a group(s)s of folks to think about “change”. Change not for the sake of change but change that just might be needed for better results.
Most of us when confronted by adjusting or changing to something new we naturally resist. I do not by any stretch imagine myself as some sort of “change whisperer” but I do know what changing requires and offering a way for mature adults to at least consider the possibility of moving to a higher plane.

Why engage Michael?
If you are a business CEO, owner, director, or Senior Executive and you or your team is simply stuck or need a new direction or momentum for a shift allow Michael to engage your team (safely of course) in a back and forth meaningful discussion. See where it might go. My average client engagement lasts, believe it or not, approximately 7 years. But that tenure is earned by one conversation and meeting at a time. And actually, you can fire me anytime you want.
No contract agreements or hidden agendas. I like to be an authentic thought leader and work with authentic companies and people.